the solutions we offer - NVH and Environmental

With strong focus on data acquisition hardware and processing software, we are well positioned to deliver robust solutions tailored to diverse Industrial applications where quality and reliability of data acquisitions, storage and processing is essential.

Applications include:

•  Industrial Hygiene/Human Response - solutions addressing noise at work and human vibration such as hand-arm, whole body & motion sickness.

•  Acoustic Measurement - wide range of sound, noise, vibration & harshness (NVH) and refinement solutions and instruments.

•  Rotor Runout - complete system to measure and understand mechanical and electrical runout phenomena in rotating shafts.

•  Fatigue & Durability - tools to measure and understand material failure under a repeated or varying load.

•  Condition Monitoring - reliable on-line monitoring of turbines and other heavy rotating plant.

•  Portable Condition Monitoring - lightweight portable solutions for conditions monitoring of rotating machinery.

•  Building Acoustics - including specific tools and systems for measurement and analysis of sound propagation in/between rooms.

•  Environmental Noise Monitoring - instrumentation solutions a light-weight, portable, semi-permanent construction site monitoring system or complete systems for airport noise monitoring + acoustic directionality.

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